Minggu, 15 November 2009

How to Uncover the Psychological Phenomena?

Last week in psychology class, Mr.Marsigit asked the students to reflex along three months after learned psychology of mathematics. One of my friends walked in front of class to write critics, suggestion, and impression about psychology lesson. We said that in learn psychology, we had not book as reference, the matter didn’t clear and we difficult to understand, lesson make confused, the students didn’t readiness to follow lesson and the students gave negative responds. From explanation it, Mr.Marsigit gave a conclusion that we were traumatic. In my opinion, traumatic are one of spikiest condition where someone felt bottle up with one condition, event, or incident. Traumatic had relation with kind of work and grade of competence. Traumatic can recover by effective communication. The communication can be form by dynamic spiral. The components of dynamic spiral are flexible and contextual. Flexible is simple, easy to adapt every time and every where. Next, communication must contextual; it means that communication must suitable with space and time. Flexible and contextual on psychology will establish readiness, on philosophy will establish awareness, but in education will establish appreciation. Someone who living in the world must brave to traumatic and afford come at traumatic because everyone certain come trough but we don’t know when the time it. For example: in our house, our father is very authoritarian and protective. He His instruction must we do it without hear from our answer. Often in our heart, we complain about it but our father exactly angrier with ours. In this problem, I believe that we confuse and appear many question why our father easy to angry and like to necessitate? What is our mistake? We can give conclusion that our father ever traumatic about something so he apply it with ours. Traumatic need long time to recover because traumatic left injury which very poignant. The peoples in around must help to recover it. Good interaction from environment very important in this problem. I ever read article that to recover traumatic by TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique) is a new technology, simple and effective to construct peaceful, relax, and health on short time. TAT is kind of form therapy on group Energy Psychology. We do it with touch several akupuntur points at head. If traumatic doesn’t recover so it can disturb every human activity. Traumatic can appear when different event resemble with now event. Consequently, the people must ready to traumatic because this problem will happen to ours.

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