Senin, 02 Maret 2009

An Introduction to English II

In our country, many people say that English is very difficult. Why? Even, if we want to study so English is very fun. There for, there are some preconditions to work in English II:
1. Motivation
What is motivation? Motivation is high spirit, enjoyable, pleasurable, or happiness. First step, we have to release as student. Releasing is the first knowledge. Our high motivation is used to pray with Allah SWT. Our duty as student is study hard to shape of religious serves with Allah SWT. There is no limitation of study. The study doesn’t limit by age an even until we close our eyes because the study is long life education.
2. Attitude
What is the meaning of attitude? Attitude is our behavior or our act. As student, we should have act appropriate with our ambition. We must able to adaption with environment which is support our ambition. For example, we are the students of mathematics education, so it will teach us how tube a teacher. In this case, we have to study how to speak wisely, how to act as a teacher. As we know that a teacher is not a famous artist. The teacher is a person who teaches their students so each of their behavior will imitate by their students. If we able to adaptation well, it’s mean that we understand what our necessary is so it can support our effort.
3. Understanding
What is understanding? Understanding is knowledge. We must conscious and understand that as a student, we have characteristic. What is the mean of those characteristic? The characteristic of student are have responsible, commitment, discipline, etc. As a good student, we should not receive everything from the lecture without effort. Because in university, the lecture will deliver the material only 15%, where as the 85% is achieved by the student by study hard. What is the purpose of the lecture to do this? In order to the student more active, stand alone, creative, and want to know so the student will competence to get knowledge, whether from dictionary, book, reference, internet, library, or even work together to improve information from this case (collaboration with their friend), can be seen the responsibility of the student.
4. Skill
What is the meaning of skill? We have to develop our skill by reading, writing, hearing, talking, and speaking. Reading the text is one of an effort to increase our skill in reading. If we often read, it will increase our pronunciation and vocab. Besides, the using of English when we speak is an effort to increase our skill. Nowadays, English is international language, so we have to master in English to face the globalization era. If we do not master in English we will life behind. In other ways, to increase our skill in listening, we could hear the cassette of TOEFEL. The next, to increase our skill in writing can be done by write about our daily activity in diary. From this view, we should not only study hard but we have to pay attention how to improve our skill. As the result, when we graduate from university, we have skills.

5. Experience
As the student, we should have an experience. An ideal student not only study oriented but also have many experience. For example, get participate in Seminar National, participate in the competition of science, participate in organization (example: HIMATIKA), etc. Those efforts could increase our experience. The experience has important role in people’s life because experience is best teacher.
6. Communication
What is communication? Communication is talking, understanding, hearing, speaking, and translating. Many students can’t communicate well. They tend to keep silent than deliver their aspiration. It can be seen, when the lecturer give chance to ask something, the student doesn’t give response. Usually the student afraid about their opinion or even they feel shy. In other word, communication is the process of delivering information or message from one to another. The aspect of the system communication is speaker, hearer, and message. We know that, communication is very important to get successful. A good communication in the teaching and learning program will happen if there is a good response between teacher and student.
What is mathematics? The definition of mathematics from one to another is different. Even, when greengrocer asked by people about the mark of rapport his children, they answer that the rapport very bad because the mark of mathematics is red. Mathematics isn’t only formula (c2= a2+ b2) but we must do a lot of exercise.
Now, we look what is the meaning of English?
English is not only tenses like present continuous tense (S+Tobe+V1ing) but English is ours. So, that English will not be broken even all of our English books burned out. If we read more, listen more, write more, and speak more so it can improve our knowledge in English. There for, students have to be responsible to there assignment.

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