Rabu, 01 April 2009

Reflection in Video

On 19th April 2009 Mr.Marsigit show with my class several video. The video very interesting because gives me motivation. I very heart burning with one people in video besides he is a child. But, I get knowledge that I must believe with myself and I don’t saw something from one different away.

In first video, show how the teacher gives motivation to their students. The teacher tells about W. Shakespeare who writes some interesting story. He tells the story very loudly thus his sound reverberates. Several students listen with him but several students busy with themselves activity for example writes something. Several students very admired with that story because the story waken spirit. Suddenly, the teacher jump on the table, he likes orator who give high spirit. He don’t afraid with his act and he advertise with his student don’t afraid to have a dream or have an ambition. Why the teachers speak it? Because, all this time the students just study oriented. They don’t have skill in outside. Consequently, the students must listen with their breast and the teacher gives freedom to them. The students must find themselves. Possible, we think the teacher stand on the table is one of mistake but let’s we don’t saw from it. We don’t have consider and look at something in different way. If we know something, we must look in the other way. The teacher demands their students to stand on the table likes him. Listen it, the students hurry up do it. In last video, two students stand on the table. They are very happy because they have freedom from their teacher.

In second video, I saw that there is a son stand on the stage and many audiences on his round. In there, he speaks very loudly and makes audiences admired with him. His speak like adult, and his every pronunciation have a meaning. The audiences very surprised with all his gesture. A son gives motivation to audiences so they believe with themselves. He said that “You believe me? You must believe that next week, I still stand on this stage.” Environment very noisy and make audiences give applause more and more loudly and their sound more and more jarring. A son runs to surround stage to give a motivation with audiences. The audience come from various reach, child, and adult, old, young. I become heart burning with him, why tendering like him very brave to speak in front of many people. He is very trust and he is very believed with himself. All of the audiences very enjoy with him. From this video, I get one of knowledge that we must believe with our ability so we don’t doubt with our work. A son in video has a high spirit to give motivation with the audiences.

In third video, there are two collage students song “what you know about math?” They have a high spirit to study about mathematics. I think, mathematics are integral, limit, trigonometry, curve, differential, exponent, and numerical. Really, in my opinion about mathematics is very a little. Because I think, mathematics just a lesson in my class but mathematics becomes breathes all of science. In the video, I look everything use mathematics. It means all the time I don’t understand about mathematics. I still have to study about mathematics. It isn’t just lesson but a knowledge which very important to all people in their life. If there are someone say mathematics just arithmetic is blunder. At last video, two collage students said that they know all about mathematics.

In fourth video, show how to solve differential equation. We will solve differential equation and integral equation. How to solve the differential or integral equation? There are some steps to solve it:
First, we must find y = f(x), satisfies the equation for values x and y.
How to solve ∫ (4x²) dx?
Try to get dependent variable, y all by it self. To solve that equation,
First we write = 4x² then we multiply the both segment with dx so acquirement that
dx (dy/dx) = (4x²) dx
We write with:∫ dy = ∫ (4x²) dx
To solve it, we must know formula of integral that ∫ x square n dx = x square (n+1) divide n+1
So ∫ 4x² = 4/3 x cubic

In fifth video, there is a teacher explain how to solve a linear equation so the students can be understand. So, I will try to solve several equations as the teacher.
1. X – 5 = 3
We can solve a linear equation above with add 5 on each segment, so in left segment just acquirement value from X. So, the equation can be writing with:
X – 5 = 3
X– 5+5 = 3+5
X = 8
Therefore, the solution from X min 5=3 is X = 8.
2. 7 = 4a – 1
Such as number one, we can solve a linear equation above with add 1 on both segment, so in right segment only acquirement value from a. So, the equation can be writing with:
7 = 4a min 1
7+1 = 4a min 1+1
8 = 4a
a = 2
Therefore, the solution from 7 = 4a-1 is a = 2.
3. 2/3 y = 8
We can solve this linear equation such as both the equation above but we don’t add numerically but we must multiply both segments with 3/2 and can acquirement value of y. So, the equation can be writing with:
2/3 y = 8
(2/3 y) times (3/2) = 8 times 3/2
y = 24/2
y = 12
Therefore, the solution from 2/3 y = 8 is y = 12.
Three examples above are very simple, so let’s we solve a linear equation more complex than above. There is several equation and we must solve it.
1. 5 min 2X = 3X+1
Because there is coefficient X on the both segment so we must delete one of them. For example we will delete negative 2X and 1 so we must add 2X and negative 1 on the both segment and acquirement value of X. So, the equation can be writing with:
5─2X+2X─1 = 3X+2X+1─1
4 = 5X
So get value of X, we must multiply the both segment with 1/5 and can be writing that:
4 times 1/5 = 5X times 1/5
X = 4/5
Therefore, the solution from 5─2X = 3X+1 is X = 4/5.
2. 3─5(2m─5) = ─2
To solve the equation above, we must multiply 5 with something on bracket so we get that:
3─10m+25 = ─2
─10m+28 = ─2
─10m = ─30 , to get value of m so we must divide the both segment with ─10 and can be writing with:
─10m/─10 = ─30/─10
m = 3
Therefore, the solution from 3─5(2m─5)= ─2 is m = 3.
3. (1/2y+1/4) = (1/3y+5/4)
We can solve the equation with multiply the both segment with KPK from 2, 3, and 4 but KPK of them is 12. We can write the equation with:
(1/2y+1/4) = (1/3y+5/4)
12(1/2y+1/4) = 12(1/3y+5/4)
6y+3 = 4y+15
2y = 12
y = 6
Therefore, the solution from (1/2y+1/4) = (1/3y+5/4) is y = 6.
4. 0,35a─0,2 = 0,15a+0,1
We can solve the equation with multiply the both segment 100 because number in behind of coma is two number. So, we can write the solution with:
0,35a─0,2 = 0,15a+0,1
100(0,35a─0,2) = 100(0,15a+0,1)
35a─20 = 15a+10
20a = 30
a = 3/2
Therefore, the solution of 0,35a─0,2 = 0,15a+0,1 is a = 3/2.

In sixth video, There is a teacher explains about logarithm. We know that there are many formula bases about logarithm and now I will try explaining about it.
I. log base x A equal B this form have same meaning or equivalent with X square B equal A, so we can write the both form with log base x A equal B equivalent X square b equal A.
Let’s we prove the equation above with multiply the both segment with C so can be writing with:
Log base x A equal B equivalent X square b equal A
C (log base x A)equal BC equivalent (X square b) square c equal A square c
C log base x A equal BC equivalent X square b times c equal A square c
Log base x A square c equal BC equivalent log base x A square equal BC
From explanation above, we can saw that log base A = B equivalent with X square b= A.
II. Log base x A + log base x B = log base x AB
To prove the equation above, we can use that:
If log base x A = k so X square k = A and can be writing with:
Log base x A = k so X square k = A
If log base x B = m so X square m = B and can be writing with:
Log base x B = m so X square m = B
If log base x A/B = n so X square n = A/B
= X square k divide X square m
= X square k minus m
We know that n = k-m so the equation is true. So we get equation that
log base x A+ log base x B = log base x AB
Really, many formulas to logarithm, but in the video just explain two formulas. If multiplication be addition so division is diminution, that statement can be writing with:
Log base x A plus log base x B = log base x AB so log base x A min log base x B = log base x A/B

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